Nambour Selangor Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

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Day Patient Rehabilitation

Day Rehabilitation involves tailored rehabilitation in one-on-one individual therapies and exercise groups in a friendly and empowering environment

Our day patient rehabilitation programs are available to eligible privately insured and veteran patients from within Nambour Selangor Private Hospital, other hospitals, and directly from the community.

Who May Benefit?

Day patient rehabilitation programs are for any person who has had an illness, surgery or a long hospital stay and requires a multidisciplinary team approach to assist with their recovery. A range of programs are available – whether to regain strength and endurance, help with walking or everyday activities, to help manage pain, rehabilitation for neurological issues, Parkinson’s Disease, and more.

Program Structure

You will be assessed by a rehabilitation specialist and any relevant allied health professional/s at their clinic. During the assessment it will be determined if your needs are suitable for group or individual sessions.

Most sessions are run in small groups and include an exercise session, an education component and any other relevant input (eg. cognitive, pain, oedema, upper limb treatment, communication, swallowing management).

The exercise sessions may be run by the physiotherapist or exercise physiologist, and will include exercises specifically designed to help your recovery.

The occupational therapist runs upper limb, educational and cognitive sessions for patients who require this assistance.

Other health professionals will be referred to as needed. This may include dietitian, speech pathologist, social worker, and psychologist.

Your General Practitioner remains your primary medical carer for your general health needs while attending the program. The rehabilitation team must be informed about any changes in your medical condition or medication as this may impact on your rehabilitation program.


Around 3 hours 15 mins per session, twice a week for four to six weeks. You will be advised of your session times when booking.

Accessing a Day Program

A referral from a medical practitioner is required. See Referrals and Access.

Acceptance of the referral is at the discretion of the treating specialist based on the individual’s capacity to benefit from rehabilitation.

Day Rehabilitation Programs

Pain Management