Nambour Selangor Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Public Transport

Public transport to and from the Hospital is available using bus and/or train routes.

If coming by train, please head to Nambour Station and catch a taxi from the station to the Hospital. It is a fairly long walk to our Hospital from the train station.

If coming by bus, you can either head to Nambour Station and make your way to the Hospital by taxi or head to Nambour General Hospital and either walk (approx. 10-15 minute comfortable walk) to Nambour Selangor Private Hospital or catch a taxi.

To catch a bus to Nambour General Hospital, please use the following bus routes:

coming from Caloundra, through Maroochydore, Bli Bli
coming through Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Kuluin, Woombye
coming through Palmwoods, Burnside, Nambour Heights and Nambour

To catch a bus to Nambour Railway station, please use the following bus routes:

coming from Caloundra, through Maroochydore, Bli Bli
coming through Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Kuluin, Woombye
coming through Noosa Heads, Tewantin, Cooroy, Eumundi, Yandina
coming through Caloundra, Currimumdi, Kawana Island, Woombye, Buderim, University, Chancellor Park

For more information about public transport routes and timetables, please phone 5450 7888 or log onto